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Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 27 Feb 2013 11:16
por Rein
filatemusico escribió:LA SERIE MÉXICO EXPORTA

Cuando queremos coleccionar una serie sobre todo tan larga como ésta lo que menos queremos es que nos enreden con palabrerías así es que vamos a cuestiones prácticas:


Para esto necesitamos una lámpara de luz ultravioleta o bien si no tienes lámpara existe otra forma para separarlas aunque no es muy confiable:
En lugar muy oscuro espera a que tus ojos se acostumbren a la oscuridad entonces cierra tus ojos y enciende una luz sobre tus estampillas por el lado de la impresión (anverso) después de un momento apaga la luz y abre los ojos y podrás ver como las estampillas fosforescentes quedan brillando por algunos segundos, si no te alcaza el tiempo para separarlas vuelve a repetir este proceso.


Esta es la primera serie o primer papel (papel americano fosforescente goma brillante blanca o crema)
Estas estampillas fosforescentes son exclusivas de la primera serie y nos servirán como referencia:

José Leal did a good job explaining how to get on with the Mexico Exporta series!!

However, a great deal has been made dependent on the types of gumming! And that does not help a bit when you have used stamps ;)

to be continued ....

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 27 Feb 2013 11:33
por Rein
In his survey:

http://www.galeon.com/timbresdemexico/m ... /index.htm
Características de las distintas series de México Exporta
1a. serie 1975-81
Papel: Satinado delgado, de 85 gms/m²
Goma: Brillante blanca y/o crema
Luminiscencia: Fosforescencia anverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14 y 11

2a. serie 1977-82
Papel: Satinado grueso, de 97 gms/m²
Goma: Mate marfil
Luminiscencia: Fosforescencia anverso (como en la 1a. serie)
Filigrana: MEX-MEX y Águila en Círculo Abierto
Perforación: 14 y 11

3a. serie 1981-89
Papel: No satinado, muy delgado, de 65 gms/m²
Goma: Blanca brillante
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso y reverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14, 11 y 11½

4a. serie 1981-82
Papel: Satinado grueso, de 97 gms/m² (como en la 2a. serie)
Goma: Mate marfil
Luminiscencia: Fosforescencia anverso (como en la 1a. y 2a. series)
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14, 11 y 11½

5a. serie 1981-83
Papel: Satinado delgado, de 80 gms/m²
Goma: Blanca brillante
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14 y 11½ x 11

6a. serie 1982-84
Papel: Satinado delgado, de 85 gms/m² (como en la 1a. serie)
Goma: Blanca brillante (como en la 5a. serie)
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso y reverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14 y 11½

7a. serie 1983-85
Papel: No satinado grueso, de 97 gms/m²
Goma: Brillante
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14, 11 y 11½

8a. serie 1985-88
Papel: Satinado grueso, de 97 gms/m²
Goma: Brillante (como en la 7a. serie)
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso (como en la 5a. serie)
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14 y 11½

9a. serie 1988-91
Papel: Satinado con fibras de rayón 100 gms/m²
Goma: Brillante
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso
Filigrana: MEX-MEX y Águila en Círculo Abierto (como en la 2a. serie)
Perforación: 14

10a. serie 1988-92
Papel: Satinado de 105-110 gms/m²
Goma: Mate opaca
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia rosa anverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14

11a. serie 1989
Papel: Satinado de 105-110 gms/m²
Goma: ?
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14

12a. serie 1989
Papel: Satinado de 105-110 gms/m²
Goma: Blanca, mate
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso rosa
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14

13a. serie 1988-92
Papel: Satinado de 105-110 gms/m²
Goma: Mate opaca crema
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso y reverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14

14a. serie 1992
Papel: Satinado de 100 gms/m²
Goma: Brillante
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso y reverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14
Luis Alberto Alvarez Pérez distinguishes 14 series within the long-lived set of definitives. This approach seems to be the "definite" one as well for most collectors!

Getting back to the step-by-step method we see that three out of 14 series have phosphorescence!

Series 1, series 2 and series 4!

Series 2 does have a watermark! Eagle-MEX-MEX-Eagle

Series 1 and series 2 have shiny gum; series 4 has matt gum!

For individual used stamps we have to look at the values separately whether they occur in which series...

to be continued ...

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 27 Feb 2013 11:39
por Rein
And also bear in mind that various types of paper had been used in this period. The type of paper I referred to in a previous posting with the felt side gummed [1975-1977] and the English type of paper with a coarse paper wire showing horizontal line [rayado horizontal] - the lines being orthogonal to the direction of paper! This English [?] paper is still observed in the 1979 University Games stamps with clearly visible imprints of the watermark pattern at the front of the stamp!!

Some examples:



Felt side gummed:


Wire side gummed:


The types of paper with the felt side gummed occur in the Exportas TWICE!

In Series 1 and in Series 6 both described as "Satinado delgado, de 85 gms/m² " i.e. with a thin coating and a paper weight of 85gram, which is neither thin nor thick! The term Satinado is wrong as that refers to calendering and not coating.....

to be continued ....

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 27 Feb 2013 11:40
por Rein
The "felt side gummed" needs some more examples as it is coming back later on!







to be continued ...

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 27 Feb 2013 11:46
por Rein
José Leal points out to the differences in paper as I did a few postings earlier!
filatemusico escribió:SEXTO PASO

Antes de continuar quiero hacer notar que en la primera serie existe una notable diferencia en el papel, existe papel normal y PAPEL ASERRÍN este papel es muy escaso, se que es el mismo papel porque he encontrado bloques en la serie permanente anterior 1950-75 denominada Arquitectura y Arqueología en la que también se utilizó este papel donde solo algunos son papel aserrín, es más poroso menos blanco como si fuera cartón y solo se encuentra en esta serie primera de México Exporta.


Al parecer es un papel de mala calidad, tal vez nuestro amigo Rein pueda explicar que es lo que pasó, por que sucedió esto.
Aquí las imágenes:
I haven't seen the two lower types yet in the Exportas but I think they come familiar to me when looking at the coated commemoratives in the 1975-1976 period...

to be continued ....

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 27 Feb 2013 13:23
por Rein
1975 Chamber of Commerce with a rather rough surface of the felt side!





to be continued ...

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 04 Mar 2013 06:11
por Rein
filatemusico escribió:La dificultad para distinguir la diferencias de estos papeles es lo que ha frenado un buen estudio de las estampillas de México Exporta en usado porque ha prevalecido la idea de que ambos papeles son iguales y solo los distingue la goma.

Antes de continuar quiero recalcar que para poder distinguir las diferencias es necesario contar con muy buena iluminación es imposible hacerlo con pobre iluminación y un lente de aumento, la fuente de iluminación no deberá estar sobre el sello por que entonces los dos diferentes papeles parecerán el mismo, en la imagen se muestra de donde debe provenir la luz.
El papel de la primera serie es más compacto menos poroso esto hace que el papel sea más liso por el reverso mientras que el de la 4ª serie tiene más porosidad.


NOTA: La primera imagen fue modificada para intensificar las diferencias entre papeles pero en la realidad no es tan fácil diferenciarlos.
The canals here described belong either to the "grooves"' or to the vertical lines of the wire! But the density of the grooves can vary a lot as well!

to be continued ....

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 04 Mar 2013 06:14
por Rein
José does show us a bit more!
filatemusico escribió:El papel de la 4a tiene canales irregulares que pueden verse con un lente de aumento



Un acercamiento a los papeles:
In the first he also let us see the tiny holes I referred to! And in the second the grooves can be seen!

to be continued ...

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 04 Mar 2013 06:17
por Rein
filatemusico escribió:SÉPTIMO PASO:

Hasta ahora hemos separado los sellos de las series fosforescentes, vamos ahora con los sellos no fosforescentes, separaremos los sellos más fáciles de todo México Exporta:


Serie novena papel con filamentos azules:
The paper with the coloured fiber is the easiest type of paper to be recognized :)

to be continued ...

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 06 Jun 2014 14:23
por Rein
Coming back to this series after more than a year and after having discovered the various Facebook pages about Mexico!


Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 06 Jun 2014 14:25
por Rein
14 types of papers is quite a challenge!

Just a few of them are relatively easy! Judging by the lack of coating, the presence of phosphorescense or the presence of coloured fibres!

No coating, very thin paper -> #3
Coloured fibres -> #9
Watermark MEX-MEX -> #2 and #9
Phosphorescence -> #1, #2 and #4

Paper type 7 DOES have a coating! Coming from Harrison and Sons, Ltd in the UK.

According ot Etiangui:

PAPEL # 7 : Papel mediano ( 97g / m2 ), Sin filigrana, No satinado, AN = FL blanco intenso, RV = FL blanco-violaceo ( 1983 - 1986 )

The term satinado is WRONG - satinado or calendared means the surface was brushed up to shine / glaze without applying an extra layer [coating] of substance like caoline or clay. Paper with a extra coating is called „estucado“ or „tizado“.

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 06 Jun 2014 14:30
por Rein
On that Facebook-page Heinz Wagner reacted:
Rein, the number 14 is really misleading, because in some cases it is the same paper but with a different gum, like paper 11 and 12 is paper 10 and paper 14 is paper 13. On the other hand there are studies which differentiate paper 1, 2 and 4 in up to 7 subcategories o in the study from Arturo, in which he differentiates paper 2 in 4 main categories plus some subcategories. But at the end it depends on the individual collector hoe to separate and collect this interesting issue. Do you have already a collection of the Exporta stamps?
and I reacted to his last remark:
I never have a collection in the sense that I can show it in exhibitions. I am constantly studying and rearranging it mainly for publications or messages like this in a Forum.

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 06 Jun 2014 14:31
por Rein
In differentiating paper according to the reaction under a UV-lamp, one should be very careful.

The luminescent substance can be added to the coating but was usually added to the paper pulp in the first place.

Luminescence reacting in colours was mostly used for postal mechanization purposes. Often yellow fluorescence [no reaction after removing the lamp] or yellow phosphorescence [reaction still there for a while]. In the case of Mexican stamps always yellow phosphorescence.

Independently of the postal mechanization, OBA's [optical brightening agents] were added to give the stamps a whiter, clearer appearance. It is always a white fluorescence which may tend to either bluish or reddish shades. As mentioned above the OBA was added both to the coating and/or paper pulp.

In used and washed off stamps the OBA got often removed OR added when coming from the envelopes! Hence, judging these stamps by their fluorescence is awfully tricky! But also mint stamps may have lost their fluorescence due to the exposure to (sun)light... And also we do NOT know for sure how these substances change in a period of time. That goes for both the fluorescence and the phosphorescence!

Apart from UV-reaction (stamp) paper has several characteristics that fortunately do NOT change: direction of paper, wire side and felt side, grooves, length of fibers, wire structure, etc.... The less fortunate aspect is that for over more than a hundred years philatelists (even serious ones like so-called experts) have shown NO interest in these characteristics and do not feel like getting acquainted with this subject... They prefer to call it forensic philately which is totally out of scope... They seem not willing to accept the fact that this forensic philately can be performed using just good eyes, a ruler, a magnifying glass, a computer scanner and a UV-lamp.... No MRI, no Gaschromatography, CT-scanners, etc...

Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 06 Jun 2014 14:42
por Rein
Paper type 7 DOES have a coating! Coming from Harrison and Sons, Ltd in the UK. Have a good look at the coating cracking off!



Re: Mexico Exporta

Publicado: 06 Jun 2014 14:45
por Rein

PAPEL # 3 : Papel delgado ( 65g / m2 ), Sin filigrana, No satinado, AN = FL azul, RV = FL azul ( 1981 - 1989 )

http://www.galeon.com/timbresdemexico/m ... erie03.htm:

3a. serie 1981-89
Papel: No satinado, muy delgado, de 65 gms/m²
Goma: Blanca brillante
Luminiscencia: Fluorescencia anverso y reverso
Filigrana: No
Perforación: 14, 11 y 11½

How was the usage of this type of paper spread over the 1981-1989 period???