Pt 35/36 - Aereos (2 filigranas "¿invertidas?")

Sellos especí­ficos de Argentina y temas relacionados con la filatelia argentina
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Pt 35/36 - Aereos (2 filigranas "¿invertidas?")

Mensaje por Sarcosis »

Les dejo aca 2 sellos en donde la filigrana esta invertida o no? Es una variedad?

Are this varieties? Is the watermark inverted??? Or just the paper???
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*** SARCOSIS ***
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Re: Pt 35/36 - Aereos (2 filigranas "¿invertidas?")

Mensaje por Rein »


most Argentinean stamps with watermark multiple suns + AЯ have - not counting the 2 orientations - 2 positions i.e. upright AND upsidedown or facing left AND facing rght.

The catalogues do not mention these 2 positions at all but that does not mean they are not there :)

Your watermark has a a-symmetrical paper wire [see the blue lines], the direction of paper horizontal (I always turn the stamp so the direction of paper is vertical, the black arrow denotes that direction); the watermark in itself is parallel as the line of AЯ is parallel to the direction of paper and the direction of paper is parallel to the short side of the stamp ("m"). The red lines indicate vertical [in the picture horizontal] lines "rayado" - mr D.A. Bardi would call this "rayado vertical".

the bottom of the AЯ faces the left:


the bottom of the AЯ faces the right:


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